220+ Funny Spiderman Puns and Jokes


220+ Funny Spiderman Puns and Jokes

Get ready to swing into laughter with these hilarious Spiderman puns and jokes! Whether you’re a fan of Peter Parker, or just love a good superhero pun, this list will give you a web full of laughs. Perfect for Instagram captions, Reddit posts, and even some adult-friendly jokes, these puns are sure to stick with you. Enjoy!

Funny Spiderman Puns

  1. Why did Spiderman break up with his girlfriend? She found him too clingy!
  2. I tried to tell a joke to Spiderman, but he wasn’t catching on.
  3. How does Spiderman keep track of his to-do list? He web-s it all out.
  4. Why doesn’t Spiderman use calendars? He prefers to hang around and wing it.
  5. Spiderman always wins at hide-and-seek. He blends right into the web!
  6. What did Spiderman say to the fly? “You’re my lunch!”
  7. Spiderman’s favorite candy? Web-ble gum!
  8. Why did Spiderman make such a good detective? Because he caught all the clues in his web.
  9. Spiderman never skips leg day—he just likes to swing by!

Spiderman Puns for Instagram

Spiderman Puns for Instagram

  1. “Hanging out, web-slinging style.”
  2. “Catching feelings like Spidey catches bad guys.”
  3. “On a date with destiny—she’s bringing the web-shooters!”
  4. “Keeping it reel with my Spidey senses.”
  5. “Swinging into the weekend like…”
  6. “Spidey senses tingling, ready to take on the day!”
  7. “Just your friendly neighborhood Spiderman here.”
  8. “Web-slingin’ my way through life.”
  9. “Caught in a web of fun!”

Short Spiderman Puns

  1. “Spider-swag.”
  2. “Web-slingin’ hero.”
  3. “Too fly for the web.”
  4. “Arachnid attitude.”
  5. “Web-lebrity in the house!”
  6. “Spidey sense—activated.”
  7. “Spider-sense of humor.”
  8. “Web warriors unite!”
  9. “Slingin’ and swingin’!”

Spiderman Pun Captions

  1. “Saving the world, one swing at a time.”
  2. “Just hanging around, nothing to see here.”
  3. “Web-slingin’ my way to happiness!”
  4. “Caught in the web of life and loving it.”
  5. “I’ve got the power and the pun!”
  6. “When life gets sticky, just swing on through!”
  7. “Fighting crime in style, Spidey style!”
  8. “Webbed my way to the top.”
  9. “My spidey-senses are telling me this is going to be a great day!”

Spiderman Puns One-Liners

Spiderman Puns One-Liners

  1. “What’s Spiderman’s favorite type of music? Swing!”
  2. “I told Spiderman to take a vacation, but he got all tangled up.”
  3. “Spiderman never gets bored—he’s always hanging around.”
  4. “Why did Spiderman fail his driving test? He couldn’t stop sticking to the rules!”
  5. “Spiderman doesn’t need a costume; he just spins up something to wear.”
  6. “If Spiderman were a comedian, he’d be the king of web-slinging jokes.”
  7. “Why did Spiderman become a chef? He wanted to make sticky buns.”
  8. “What’s Spiderman’s favorite social media? Web-chat.”
  9. “Spiderman tried to start a band, but he kept getting tangled up in his guitar.”
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Fun Facts About Spiderman Puns

  • Spiderman puns date back to the early days of Marvel, with jokes about webs and swinging frequently featured in comics.
  • Spidey fans are super creative, with pun battles and contests on forums all about making the best Spiderman wordplay.
  • Puns about Spiderman often combine humor with themes of friendship, bravery, and the everyday struggles of Peter Parker.
  • You can find Spiderman puns not only in English but also translated into other languages—proof that Spidey humor is universal!
  • Spiderman puns are especially popular on social media, with people using them for clever captions, jokes, and memes.

Spiderman Puns for Reddit

  1. “Why did Spiderman always feel left out? Because he was never in the loop!”
  2. “People think Spiderman’s greatest enemy is Green Goblin, but it’s actually his laundry.”
  3. “If Spiderman had a podcast, it’d be called ‘Tangled Up in Thoughts.’”
  4. “What’s Spiderman’s favorite sport? Cricket!”
  5. “Why didn’t Spiderman get hired at the bank? They said he was too sticky-fingered!”
  6. “Spiderman walked into a bar… but he stuck around for a while!”
  7. “If Spiderman taught science, it’d be an advanced class in arachnology.”
  8. “Why is Spiderman always late? He gets tied up on his way.”
  9. “Spiderman’s superhero club meetings are hard to organize. Too many strings attached!”

For Adults Spiderman Puns

For Adults Spiderman Puns

  1. “When Spiderman gets stressed, he just hangs out for a while.”
  2. “They say Spiderman has a way with the ladies—he’s got a sticky situation every night.”
  3. “Spiderman tried to go vegan, but his webs kept sticking to the salad.”
  4. “Spiderman once became a chef, but his cooking style was a little… sticky.”
  5. “When Spiderman needs a night out, he doesn’t hit the clubs—he just swings by.”
  6. “How does Spiderman stay fit? He keeps hanging around the gym.”
  7. “They say Spiderman’s webs are organic… must be a trendsetter.”
  8. “Spiderman doesn’t need a therapist; he just webs up his problems.”
  9. “Why did Spiderman join a dating app? He wanted to find someone to stick with.”

Spidey Sense of Humor

  1. “Why did Spiderman go to therapy? He needed help untangling his feelings.”
  2. “Spiderman tried online dating, but he kept getting caught in the web!”
  3. “What’s Spiderman’s favorite board game? Catch Phrase!”
  4. “How does Spiderman keep track of his cash? He webs it up in savings!”
  5. “Why did Spiderman get kicked out of the band? He kept drumming up trouble.”
  6. “Spiderman loves group projects; he’s always getting wrapped up in teamwork.”
  7. “Why does Spiderman avoid big parties? He doesn’t like being caught up in the crowd.”
  8. “What did Spiderman do when he was bored? He just hung out for a while.”
  9. “Spiderman’s worst fear? Being cut off from the web!”

Witty Web-Slinger Jokes

  1. “Why does Spiderman make a great teacher? He has a knack for sticking to the curriculum!”
  2. “Spiderman couldn’t attend the yoga class. He was too tied up!”
  3. “What does Spiderman order at the café? A ‘latte’ web of foam!”
  4. “How does Spiderman avoid danger? He keeps a low web-profile.”
  5. “Why did Spiderman open a bakery? He wanted to make sticky buns!”
  6. “What did Spiderman say when he got a new suit? ‘It’s tailor-made to my needs!'”
  7. “Spiderman loves karaoke. He’s always on pitch!”
  8. “Why doesn’t Spiderman use cash? He prefers web banking.”
  9. “How did Spiderman ace his exams? He stuck to his studies!”

Pun-tacular Peter Parker Jokes

Pun-tacular Peter Parker Jokes

  1. “Why did Peter Parker break up with his girlfriend? She kept bugging him!”
  2. “Peter Parker opened a gym. He calls it ‘Web Fit’!”
  3. “How does Peter Parker get to work? He swings by!”
  4. “Why doesn’t Peter Parker own a car? He prefers web-powered travel.”
  5. “Peter Parker always wins at video games. His reflexes are unmatched!”
  6. “What’s Peter’s favorite way to relax? Hanging out on the web.”
  7. “Peter Parker’s favorite hobby? Catching bugs!”
  8. “Why did Peter Parker take up gardening? He loves catching creepy crawlers!”
  9. “How does Peter Parker keep his secrets? He webs them up tightly!”

Heroic Hangout Humor

  1. “Where does Spiderman relax? In his web lounge!”
  2. “Spiderman’s workout routine? Lots of spin classes!”
  3. “Why did Spiderman start a podcast? To catch more listeners in his web!”
  4. “Spiderman doesn’t need a watch. He’s always on time with his Spidey sense!”
  5. “How does Spiderman unwind? With some web-based entertainment.”
  6. “What’s Spiderman’s favorite drink? A Spider Shake!”
  7. “Spiderman’s vacation spot? The Web Islands!”
  8. “What does Spiderman do on a lazy Sunday? Just hangs out and spins!”
  9. “Where does Spiderman shop? At Web-mart!”

Arachnid Antics

  1. “Why did Spiderman take up knitting? He’s great at spinning yarns!”
  2. “What’s Spiderman’s favorite genre of music? Heavy web-tal!”
  3. “How does Spiderman avoid drama? He cuts through the web of lies!”
  4. “Spiderman’s favorite holiday? Halloween—he’s great at catching flies!”
  5. “Why did Spiderman join a rock band? He wanted to be a web guitarist!”
  6. “How does Spiderman travel overseas? He takes the inter-web!”
  7. “Spiderman’s least favorite weather? Stormy—it messes with his webbing!”
  8. “Spiderman loves reading books. His favorite genre? Mystery webs!”
  9. “Why is Spiderman bad at poker? He shows all his cards!”

Peter Parker’s Punny Life

Peter Parker’s Punny Life

  1. “How does Peter Parker cook? With his Spidey sense for seasoning!”
  2. “What’s Peter Parker’s go-to breakfast? Web-wiches!”
  3. “Peter Parker’s biggest regret? Not buying stock in web companies!”
  4. “Why did Peter Parker start a delivery service? He can web it to you in no time!”
  5. “Peter Parker loves recycling. He’s great at spinning reusable webs!”
  6. “Why does Peter Parker keep a journal? To untangle his thoughts.”
  7. “Peter Parker’s favorite game? Connect-the-web!”
  8. “What did Peter Parker name his blog? ‘The Tangled Truth’!”
  9. “How does Peter Parker study for tests? He keeps his notes all webbed up!”

Stick With It: More Spiderman Puns

  1. “Spiderman got grounded. He got too caught up in his adventures!”
  2. “What’s Spiderman’s favorite animal? A bat—lots in common!”
  3. “How does Spiderman communicate? With his Spidey senses and a good signal!”
  4. “Why does Spiderman love the internet? It’s where he catches up on news.”
  5. “What’s Spiderman’s favorite dessert? Web-cake!”
  6. “Spiderman would be a great chef. He always sticks to the recipe!”
  7. “How does Spiderman relax? He hangs out in his web hammock!”
  8. “What’s Spiderman’s favorite dance? The Swing!”
  9. “How does Spiderman fix his mistakes? He just patches them up with his web!”

Sticky Situations Puns

  1. “Why did Spiderman get a raise? He was always sticking to his job!”
  2. “Spiderman tried painting, but he got caught in a web of colors.”
  3. “What’s Spiderman’s favorite holiday treat? Candy webs!”
  4. “Spiderman loves comedy. His favorite joke? ‘Web have a good time!’”
  5. “Why did Spiderman break up with Black Widow? Too many webs entangled!”
  6. “Spiderman’s karaoke favorite? ‘You Spin Me Right Round’!”
  7. “What’s Spiderman’s best subject? Geometry, for all his web angles!”
  8. “Why does Spiderman avoid sand? It messes with his webbing!”
  9. “Spiderman’s go-to breakfast? Sticky buns!”


Whether you’re a Spidey superfan or just looking for a good laugh, these Spiderman puns and jokes are sure to make your day a bit more web-tacular! Share them on social media, use them for captions, or just keep them in your back pocket for whenever you need to lighten up the mood. After all, who doesn’t need a little extra humor from your friendly neighborhood Spiderman?

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