+160 Bagel Puns and Jokes: A Hole New Level of Fun


+160 Bagel Puns and Jokes: A Hole New Level of Fun

If you’re looking for bagel puns that rise above the rest, you’ve come to the right place! This deliciously fun collection will have you rolling with laughter. Whether you’re crafting a witty Instagram caption or looking for one-liners to share with friends, these bagel jokes are sure to hit the spot.

Funny Bagel Puns and Jokes

Let’s start with a baker’s dozen of the funniest bagel puns and jokes. These are perfect for sharing with anyone who appreciates a good round of humor!

  • Why did the bagel break up with the bread? It kneaded space.
  • What did the bagel say to the slice of bread? You’re toast!
  • Bagels are the best comedians. They’re just naturally well-rounded.
  • How does a bagel greet you in the morning? With a warm “hole-lo!”
  • What’s a bagel’s favorite city? New York, because it’s everything!
  • Why did the bagel refuse to fight? It didn’t want to get into a jam.
  • What’s a bagel’s favorite exercise? Dough-nuts.
  • What kind of bagel can fly? A plain bagel.
  • Why did the bagel go to therapy? It had too many layers to unravel.
  • Bagels are great musicians—they always have great rolls!

Bagel Puns for Instagram

Your bagel photos deserve captions as fresh as your breakfast. These bagel puns will make your Instagram feed pop!

  • “Bagel-icious mornings!”
  • “You doughnut know how much I love bagels.”
  • “Spreading happiness, one bagel at a time.”
  • “Hole-y moly, this bagel is good.”
  • “My love for bagels is on a roll!”
  • “Life’s better with bagels and schmear.”
  • “Don’t go bacon my heart, unless you’re putting it on a bagel.”
  • “Bagels and coffee are my daily grind.”
  • “Feeling hole-some this morning!”
  • “Every day should start with a bagel.”

Bagel Puns Captions

Need a clever bagel pun for your next post? These captions will help you rise to the occasion.

  • “Bagel season is here, and I’m all about it.”
  • “I’m on a roll with this bagel.”
  • “Bagels: the hole package.”
  • “Just doughing what I love!”
  • “Bagels make everything butter.”
  • “I don’t carrot all, give me a bagel.”
  • “A little cream cheese never hurt anyone.”
  • “The best things in life are round and toasted.”
  • “Rise and shine, it’s bagel time.”
  • “In a relationship with carbs.”

Fun Facts About Bagel Puns

Bagels aren’t just fun to eat—they’re fun to talk about, too! Here are some fun facts that’ll make your bagel puns even more interesting.

  • Bagels are believed to have originated in Poland, making their first appearance in the 17th century.
  • The hole in the center of a bagel wasn’t just for looks—it helped the dough cook evenly!
  • Bagels became popular in the United States thanks to Jewish immigrants in the late 19th century.
  • The word “bagel” comes from the Yiddish word “beygl,” which means ring or bracelet.
  • There’s even a National Bagel Day, celebrated on January 15th every year.
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Bagel Puns in a One-Liner

Bagel Puns in a One-Liner

Sometimes all you need is a quick one-liner to get the laugh. These bagel puns will roll right off your tongue.

  • “This bagel is on a roll!”
  • “I’m just here for the hole-some carbs.”
  • “Don’t be such a bagel—spread a little kindness.”
  • “You’ve got a hole lot of potential.”
  • “I can’t rye-lly explain my love for bagels.”
  • “Bagels: dough-liciously perfect.”
  • “I find your lack of bagels disturbing.”
  • “I’m the cream cheese to your bagel.”
  • “I’m on a mission to find the perfect bagel.”
  • “Let’s toast to bagels!”

Bagel Love Puns

For those who love bagels almost as much as they love each other, these romantic bagel puns will melt your heart.

  • “You’re the lox to my bagel.”
  • “Our love is hole-y and complete.”
  • “I’m bagel-ing you to stay!”
  • “You had me at bagel.”
  • “We go together like bagels and schmear.”
  • “Our love is baked to perfection.”
  • “You’re my everything bagel.”
  • “I’m stuck on you like cream cheese.”
  • “I knead you like dough.”
  • “Love is round, like a bagel.”

For TikTok Bagel Puns

TikTok is the place to showcase your sense of humor, and these bagel puns will get you trending in no time.

  • “This bagel’s got me feeling hole-some.”
  • “On a roll with my bagel obsession.”
  • “Just doughing what I love on TikTok.”
  • “Bagels, but make it fashion.”
  • “Can’t stop, won’t stop, bageling.”
  • “Spreading cream cheese and good vibes.”
  • “When life gets tough, eat a bagel.”
  • “Bagel dance challenge—who’s in?”
  • “This is how we roll… bagels!”
  • “Feeling extra today with my everything bagel.”

Bagel Pun Names

Bagel Pun Names

If you’re looking for clever bagel-inspired names, these will leave you in stitches.

  • Bagel Bites
  • Bagelicious
  • The Bagel Boss
  • Everything Bagelton
  • Hole-y Grail
  • Schmear Campaign
  • Bagelicious Babe
  • Dough Boy/Girl
  • Sir Bagel-a-lot
  • Cream Cheese King/Queen

Bagel Puns That Are Baked to Perfection

  • What did the bagel say after acing the test? “I’m on a roll!”
  • Why are bagels such good detectives? They always get to the bottom of things.
  • How do you make a bagel laugh? Butter it up!
  • Why don’t bagels ever tell secrets? They can’t handle the pressure.
  • What kind of music do bagels listen to? Smooth jazz and lox.
  • What did the bagel say to the sesame seed? “You’re on top of things!”
  • Why are bagels bad at poker? They always fold.
  • What do you call a lazy bagel? A loaf-er.
  • How do you know a bagel is guilty? It’s in a jam.
  • Why did the bagel go to the doctor? It felt crumby.
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Hole Lotta Laughs

  • Bagels don’t gossip—they’re too well-rounded.
  • What’s a bagel’s favorite type of movie? A roll-mance.
  • How do bagels stay fit? They work on their gluten-free squats.
  • What did the bagel say when it won an award? “I doughn’t believe it!”
  • Why don’t bagels argue? They’d rather roll with it.
  • What’s a bagel’s favorite workout? Anything that gets them toasted.
  • What did the bagel say to the doughnut? “You’re full of yourself!”
  • How do bagels flirt? They butter you up.
  • What’s a bagel’s least favorite day? Toasted Tuesday.
  • What’s a bagel’s dream job? A role model.

You’re On a Roll with These Puns

  • Why did the bagel apply for a job? It kneaded dough.
  • What did the bagel say when it got invited to a party? “I’ll roll by!”
  • What’s a bagel’s favorite hobby? Dough-ling.
  • How do bagels relax? They loaf around.
  • What do you call a bagel in a suit? Fancy schmear.
  • How do bagels deal with problems? They roll right over them.
  • Why did the bagel go to school? To become well-rounded.
  • What’s a bagel’s favorite car? A Rolls-Royce.
  • Why don’t bagels get lost? They know the dough-way.
  • What’s a bagel’s favorite TV show? “Breaking Bread.”

Dough Not Miss These Puns

  • What’s a bagel’s favorite type of clothing? Roll-necks.
  • Why did the bagel go to space? It wanted to see the hole universe.
  • How do you stop a bagel from making bad decisions? You bread it carefully.
  • Why are bagels always calm? They never lose their crumb.
  • What’s a bagel’s favorite superhero? Captain Crust.
  • How do you know a bagel is telling the truth? It’s got nothing to loaf about.
  • What did the bagel say to the muffin? “You’re toast compared to me.”
  • Why did the bagel break up with its partner? They just didn’t mesh well.
  • What do you call a bagel that can sing? A dough-re-mi.
  • How do bagels stay positive? They rise to the occasion.

Rolling with the Best Bagel Puns

  • Why do bagels make great friends? They’re always there to roll with you.
  • What’s a bagel’s dream vacation? Rolling through Italy.
  • How do bagels apologize? They say, “Sorry I’m such a crumb.”
  • What’s a bagel’s favorite exercise? Running in dough-motions.
  • What did the bagel say at the wedding? “I’m here for the schmear!”
  • What’s a bagel’s favorite dessert? Jelly rolls.
  • How does a bagel ask someone out? “Let’s roll together.”
  • Why did the bagel become an actor? It loved playing rolls.
  • What’s a bagel’s favorite holiday? Toast-mas!
  • How do you impress a bagel? Spread good vibes.
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Bagelicious Laughs for Foodies

  • What’s a bagel’s favorite game? Hungry Hungry Bagels.
  • Why did the bagel bring a ladder? It wanted to reach new heights.
  • What’s a bagel’s favorite app? Insta-roll.
  • How do bagels text? They use butter-fingers.
  • What’s a bagel’s best party trick? Rolling without a hitch.
  • Why do bagels make bad liars? You can always see through them.
  • How do bagels stay in touch? They keep things toasty.
  • What did the bagel say to the pastry? “We dough-n’t compare.”
  • Why did the bagel take a break? It needed some me-time to rise.
  • What do bagels dream about? Fresh starts and new bakes.

Bagel Puns with a Schmear of Humor

Bagel Puns with a Schmear of Humor

  • How do bagels handle stress? They butter up their problems.
  • What’s a bagel’s least favorite thing to do? Get in a jam.
  • What did the bagel say to its reflection? “I’m one in a hole!”
  • Why do bagels hate public speaking? They always crumble under pressure.
  • What’s a bagel’s worst fear? Becoming toast.
  • What did the bagel say to the toaster? “Let’s heat things up!”
  • Why don’t bagels ever give up? They keep rolling forward.
  • What’s a bagel’s favorite sport? Bagel toss.
  • How do bagels like their mornings? Fresh and toasted.
  • What do bagels use to fix things? Cream cheese and bagel glue.

A Dozen More Bagel Puns Just Because

  • How do bagels show affection? They wrap you up in warmth.
  • Why are bagels such good listeners? They give you their whole attention.
  • What’s a bagel’s least favorite subject in school? History—because it’s always repeating!
  • How does a bagel throw a party? With a “hole” lot of fun.
  • What’s a bagel’s favorite movie genre? Action rolls.
  • Why do bagels avoid drama? They don’t want to be toasted.
  • How do bagels start a conversation? With a “hole-lo!”
  • What’s a bagel’s favorite pet? A doughberman.
  • What did the bagel say to the coffee? “We make a great brew-tiful pair!”
  • Why are bagels so reliable? They always rise to the occasion.

Final Round of Bagel Puns

  • Why do bagels love the weekend? They can loaf around.
  • How do bagels stay so warm? They’re always wrapped up in a schmear.
  • What’s a bagel’s favorite instrument? The roll-ler drum.
  • Why did the bagel join a band? It had great roll-models.
  • What do bagels do at the beach? Soak up the schmear.
  • Why are bagels great at puzzles? They always find the missing piece.
  • What did the bagel say to the cake? “You’re a little too sweet for my taste.”
  • Why do bagels make great explorers? They’re always looking for new holes.
  • What’s a bagel’s favorite time of year? Roll-o-ween.
  • How do bagels wish each other good luck? “May your dough rise!


Whether you’re in the mood for a laugh or need the perfect caption for your latest bagel snap, these bagel puns and jokes are sure to add a hole new level of fun to your day. From Instagram to TikTok, bagels never go out of style, and neither do these puns. Keep rolling with these delightful jokes, and share the bagel love!

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